Sunday, October 16, 2011
Week 6: Conservation of Mass and Energy
The very first "hit" I got on the topic was from Wikipedia. This is a website I discourage with my students due to reliability issues. So I moved on. One great website I came across was This site has wonderful short videos which are easy to understand. I viewed one on the law of conservation of energy using a bowling ball as part of a pendulum. The teacher gave a great demonstration for his students along with an explanation of what they were viewing.
Another great site I stumbled upon was This site is great for both teachers and students. This is a video that shows physics in every day life such as: riding in a hot air balloon, listening to a symphony and even visiting a bicycle shop.
My classes contain a wide variety of learners. Some students are in my room just to be exposed to science. I found one website that I could use for my lower learners and also as an activity for early finishers. I came across an online game called "Reduce the Use". This was an online game which guides the user throughout a home with the task of finding ways to conserve energy.You can play the game at
For further enrichment, I found a great website called "Science Geek". This site had all sorts of activities in chemistry. There are games for every topic including the conservation of matter. One game I could see myself using in my own classroom was "Balancing Chemical Equations". Here, students can practice their skills at balancing chemical equations. This activity is a great way for students to actually see the conservation of matter. The atoms add up.
Of all the sites I discovered, one did stand out and quickly became my favorite. is a great website for middle school lessons on forces and motions. Each activity allows the user to manipulate variable and test outcomes. The lesson I found on conservation of energy allows students to manipulate a skateboarder's ramp. You can see an instant graph of the results. I liked the way it showed students how you could only get what you put in. In other words, the skateboarder will only return to a point slightly lower than his starting position. Students have three sections of the ramp they can manipulate to see how it effects the energy. The website is found at
The idea of the physics in music had my attention. I think it would be neat to bring in instruments of different varieties. I would set up a straw in a glass goblet. Then I would play each instrument and have students observe how much movement occurred with the straw. It may be a challenge to bring in the variety of instruments and play them successfully but I am up for it.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Week 4 Experiment Reflections
My Results
Material Used
Starting Temperature of Water
Water Temperature (F) after 30 minutes
Water Temperature (C) after 30 minutes
Copy paper
Aluminum Foil
Cotton Fabric
Paper Towel
Paper Towel Insulator: 97 degrees Fahrenheit
Cotton Fabric Insulator: 105 degrees Fahrenheit
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Week 2: Slip Sliding Away
I decided to use the blue marbles provided in my science kit. I sat at my dining room table and marked a starting position. Next, I set up the large marble and gave it a slight push. The marble rolled off the table. I measured from my starting point up to the end of the table, which came to 141.5 cm. I repeated this four more times for a total of five trials. Each time, the large marble fell off the table. I repeated the process with the smaller marble and achieved the same results. Next, I decided to try it on the floor in our hallway. The surface is smooth, similar to the tabletop’s surface. I completed five trials using each marble. In all trials, the marble eventually came to a stop. The average distance traveled for the large marble was 562 cm. The average distance traveled for the small marble was 604.7 cm.
I returned to my kitchen table. This time I rolled the marble on a linen place mat. I measured the distance travelled. Both marbles stopped without rolling off the table. In fact, they never rolled off the place mat. The average distance travelled for the large marble was 31.6 cm. The average distance travelled by the small marble on the place mat was 30.7 cm. I noticed that the linen place mat was not as smooth a surface as the table. The linen place mat provided more friction for both marbles.
For my final surface, I used a large plush towel. The average distance travelled by the large marble was 18.4 cm. The average distance travelled by the small marble was 13.3 cm. It was clear in my observations that the towel provided the most friction of all three surfaces. This lab was a perfect example of Newton’s First Law of Motion, also referred to as the law of inertia. Newton’s First Law of Motion states, “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force (The Physics Classroom, 2011).
Because I had completed inquiry lessons on friction before, my results came as no surprise. However, the lesson was not wasted. I still learned from it. I could see expanding the surfaces I used. I would like to explore other surfaces such as grass, a dirt road, carpet, marble, etc. I also could foresee the parameters needed before doing this experiment with my students.
If there were any challenges in this guided inquiry, it was my starting surface. The table was too short. I had to move to the floor for the first part of my experiment. This would need to be a consideration when used in the classroom, as well. If I did this activity in the classroom, I would place some meter sticks on the floor to create lanes. This would ensure that marbles do not roll under desks and filing cabinets. I would also need to have enough space for several small groups to conduct their explorations.
I could envision using this activity as an introductory lesson to Newton’s First Law of Motion. I would like to tie it in to how friction helps us in routine activities. For example, when I have seen large trucks unloading their content at a large store, they have a special set up to make the work easier. They use a plank that looks like a ladder but instead of rungs, it uses poles that move. The plank stretches from the truck to the dock. All the workers must do is push the boxes across the plank to unload. The poles roll and provide little friction. The boxes glide across the plank and a worker will load them onto a pallet. The planks make the unloading process much easier than it would be without the device.
I would continue the lesson on friction by having my students design their own planks. Students could use items like cardboard tubes from toilet paper and paper towel rolls, pvc pipe, etc. By designing their own planks, I would be utilizing the engineering design process in a lesson that has relevance to the real world. It is this type of activity that can leave a positive, lasting impression on students.
Stop and consider that the plank design lesson stemmed from a science inquiry activity involving marbles, friction and the law of inertia. As science educators, we have to be willing to delve in a little deeper to find these meaningful activities. These activities must line up with our national and state standards. The activities should also encourage STEM education. Students need opportunities to problem-solve, explore, discover, and engage in situations that need solutions (Fioriello, 2011). It is these kinds of lessons that scientists, technicians, engineers, and mathematicians are born.
Alsworth, C., Baird, C., Beasley, R., Bell, C., Billiongsley, T., Bishop, V., …Anjanete, Z. (2008). 2010 Mississippi science framework. Mississippi State Board of Education. 51-56.
Fioreiello, P. (2011) Understanding the basics of STEM. K-12 Education Practices & Issues. Retrieved from:
The Physics Classroom, (2011). Newton’s first law of motion. The Physics Classroom retrieved from:
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Hurricane Center
A few months ago, a fellow teacher told me about a wonderful opportunity called the Lift-off Institute. She asked me if I would be interested in spending a week in Houston, Texas and attending the institute. I applied and was accepted. In mid-July 2011, I attended a week, which presented so many amazing ideas. I was very eager to come back to school and implement some of the lessons I was exposed to.
One of the activities we did was about forecasting hurricanes. It was a simulation-type activity of what occurs in a hurricane center. Students are divided into small groups of four to five students and are given team names such as Alpha, Beta, Charlie, etc. The teacher sits at a main table serving as the data center. The students become meteorologists and are assigned jobs such as lead meteorologist, hurricane tracker and hurricane advisor. Some roles are assigned to more than one student on the team. Students will need access to a laptop/pc, calculator, hurricane tracking maps (available from NOAA), and a calculator. To participate in the activity, students need prior knowledge of graphing ordered pairs (the coordinates) and geographical knowledge of the United States.
Each team is called on to come to the teacher’s table. Then, the lead meteorologist goes to the table and receives their group’s first set of coordinates and accompanying information (wind speed in knots, pressure, latitude and longitude) for their storm. They take the information back to their group. Next, the students relay the coordinates to their group. One student pair in the group will use a special cone to map out the forecast models for the storm. The other pair of students will convert the wind speed from knots to miles per hour. They may use the math formula or an online converter such as Once the wind speed has been converted, the hurricane advisors must decide what type of warning, if any, to issue. The team also must decide which geographical areas need to be notified. In the early stages of the activity, each group has a list of hurricane names for the season. The first group, which identifies a tropical storm, will name their storm using the first name available. Subsequent groups will choose the next available names.
Initially, I had to adopt this activity from the original one. In the original activity, a mission director out of Virginia led us via Skype. After speaking with a colleague, I decided that the teacher could give the same information but from a central location in the classroom. I called on former students to aid in my execution of this activity. If I had conducted the lesson during the school year, I would try to collaborate with another class from my district or another school district and use Skype to call out or receive coordinates.
I opened the lesson with an intro into hurricane season, which began in June. I then explained how hurricane maps are provided to the public to help them track hurricanes as they approach. I divided the students into groups. I found that this activity was very easy to adapt for all levels of learners. Once I ascertained the students’ ability to graph using coordinates, I then decided which storms to assign the group.
For example, in my lesson I used hurricanes Camille and Dolly and tropical storm Arthur. Tropical storm Arthur was short-lived and only had nine sets of coordinates reported. This storm was assigned to my lower level learners. With fewer coordinates, they had more time to experience the activity. I placed two higher-level learners with the group. They did very well. I was surprised at how well they caught on.
My other two groups were given hurricanes Camille and Dolly. Both hurricanes threatened the coastal areas within the Gulf of Mexico. One thing I should point out is that my students gave their storms a random name. It was not until the end of the activity that I revealed the real name of each hurricane. My hurricane Camille group, team Alpha, moved at a very fast pace. As an extension activity, I had this group create a table to record their data. I think I could use this extension with almost every group.
In the original lab, each group had a laptop on their table. Since I only had one available, I allowed team Alpha to use it. This was very useful in creating a table for the data collected. After completing my first attempt with this lesson with students, I would like to try it with laptops, one for each group. A fellow teacher suggested a way to communicate the data and send it to students via a wireless connection. I would like to speak to my technology director in my district to see if this would be possible at my school.
One bump in the road was that I had a few students who did not have a good geographical background for indentifying the states. Next time, I will plan a simple activity which will help reinforce graphing skills before we proceed with the hurricane tracking activity. Another observation during this lab is the need to appoint a student to help the teacher keep the coordinates organized and prevent mixing them up. When the coordinates started coming in faster, I made a conscious effort to keep make sure I did not mix the coordinates up; however, having an extra pair of hands would help considerably.
As I watched the students, each group was completely engaged. I knew it was a success when our time was up and the students wanted to do the simulation again. All of the groups were 90% or closer in their predictions. When I revealed the names of the actual hurricanes, the only one they were slightly familiar with was hurricane Camille. Students said they heard of it when it was compared to hurricane Katrina.
Overall, the lesson was a success. If I had to change anything about the content, I would pick hurricanes historical to our county. I would definitely use this lesson the next time I am teaching extreme weather.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Science Journal - Melting Ice
I was required to answer question nine which asked "What happens if the polar ice caps melt?" I think there are a lot of factors that have to be reviewed in order to answer this question. I will get to them in a minute. In my first trial, the ice melted but the water did not spill over the glass. I repeated the experiment two more times. In my second trial, there was some seepage trickling down from the top of the glass. In my third trial, the water did not over flow the glass.
There are a variety of factors that must be considered. What was the water's temperature before and after? What percentage of the water seeped out?
Now to answer question number nine. I do not think the melting polar ice caps are such a serious threat. I believe films like "An Inconvenient Truth" were more hype than reality. I do believe they are melting but I disagree with the effects. Bottom line, low-lying areas will flood. They will flood because they are so low in proportion to the size of the glacier/ice cap.
What do you think?
Friday, July 8, 2011
Science Journal
For years, the science class has taken a backseat to math and English. Teachers work all year long to prepare for the test. The frustrating thing is that we have a science test but it doesn't receive nearly the emphasis in schools like the yearly state test does. Unfortunately, there are repercussions. Fewer and fewer students are interested in pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
I was challenged this week to write a lesson plan with STEM in mind. I planned a lesson on Mass and Motion. I wanted students to think about what happens when you drop two objects from a given height. Which one would hit the ground first? As an extension, I wanted my students to predict what would happen if air resistance was not a factor.
I have had to write a variety of lesson plans this year. I am a part of a three year grant where I participate in the Teachers' Academy for the Natural Sciences (TANS). I am currently in year two. At the academy, we work with scientists for the purpose of improving the content we are teaching in middle school grades. At TANS, I was required to use the UbD (Understanding by Design) lesson plan format.
In a few weeks I will be attending NASA's Lift Off Institute for a week. I had to use a simple formatted lesson plan to share during the week. With all the variety of plans, one thing held true. All the lesson plans were designed to engage the students to get them excited about science. Isn't that what science teachers are supposed to do? It is our mission to get students engaged in the content we teach.
Last year, a colleague and myself collaborated with three other teachers on a lesson we could perform at 28,000 feet above the ground. It was an amazing experience. We went on a Zero-gravity flight. We wanted to show students the difference between mass and weight. We had a little stuffed Beaker (the creature from the Muppets) on a scale. We placed 40 grams of masses into Beaker's labcoat pockets. The idea was that when the plane climbed, Beaker would appear to have a greater weight. When we hit that parabola and experienced weightlessness (really freefall). The scale should have risen as far up as it could register making it appear that Beaker weighed nothing. Students would see that he still has mass. That never changed. However, weight was relative to our altitude. The experiment would have gone well but a reporter, doing her own filming, landed on it and crushed it. Beaker survived but the experiment did not. Even still it was the most amazing experience.
Anything the teacher can incorporate to make each lesson taught, more engaging to students, is a step in the right direction. Throughout, this experience this week, I have pooled in all of the collaborations and ideas to engage my students.
The journey continues...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Motivating Students in Science
In the last few years, I have seen a new trend in education. Fewer and fewer students are showing an interest in careers in science, math, and engineering. I thought by promoting my local science fair that I was doing my part. That is a good thing, but there is so much more to be done. I have to find ways to make science engaging for my students.
Think about it. Does the old paper/pencil test really matter? Do they really just tell us what a student memorized? Unless the test has open-ended questions, how are they useful. Students learn by doing. So my goal this year is to find that balance. I want my students to have a hands-on approach to science. I also want them to see that working in science can be rewarding.
Let the journey begin!!!