Sunday, January 22, 2012

Not Sure of the Answer, then Ask a Scientist. Well..., Maybe

I went into last week's assignment excited. I would finally get an answer to a question that has been eating at me since I started teaching. The questions dealt with genetics. Each year we cover red blood cells and blood types. My Ask-A-Scientist question was about blood types. We always hear about DNA tests to test the paternity of a possible parent. (My kids always see this on talk shows.)

I want to know, can't they check the blood types first before going through the expense of a DNA test? I realize it may sound a little silly; yet, every year this question comes up and I always answer it with an example: two O+ parents cannot make an A- child.

Well, one the Ask-a-Scientist website I posed my question. It was not found in the archives so I submitted the question to the website. I checked my email often to see if I received a response. I never did. So I would love to talk about how my curious question was finally answered but I cannot. I cannot state as to whether or not the scientist's answer brought me to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

I can imagine using the website with students, providing their questions receive answers. There are many times my students have a question that I am not qualified to answer. It would be nice to point them to a helpful link that could answer those questions.

For now, I am still waiting on a response. I wonder if I will get one. Sigh...

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